Sunday, January 23, 2011

RR - "Porn"

Most notable about this article, in my mind, is that it has presented researched information in such a grasping way. Sure, part of it has to do with the subject matter as being more 'interesting' than most other topics one has likely come across in a research paper, however, I also feel that he/she who wrote this piece has successfully proven that using 'voice' in a research paper can actually strengthen it. The author was able to use voice to add personality and self-interest (and without the use of the pronoun "I"). And, in doing so, he/she was able to alter the feel of the piece, making it seemingly more like an interesting conversation rather than a boring written/verbal regurgitation of pure facts and information.

Not all too often am I able to say that I actually felt drawn in when reading a research paper. Most people associate dread with research papers, whether it be reading or writing one. The ample amount of detail also added to the overall effect and success of this piece. Making connections between the researched information and other seemingly irrelevant information added interest, something most research papers lack. 

Overall, what I have taken most from reading this article, is the knowledge that research papers can be interesting and enticing. It has allowed me to consider a more open and positive approach to a task so commonly dreaded. Adding a little flare while keeping true to the researched material will remain a goal of mine throughout this semester.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... you discuss the use of "I" both in this essay and in the "Polygamy" essay. Do you feel your topic is conducive to using "I", and bringing in personal anecdote? You say in your "Polygamy" response that you would find it distracting to hear the author's opinion. Do you think there are certain subject matters that make it impossible to incorporate an author's voice?
